Sept. 2018 new album releases on these music streaming platforms
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the shamanic experience
sound controllers

01 tutamanta
02 indio blanco
03 foggy walk
04 whispering forrest
05 healing smoke
06 spacetime bubble
07 misty air
08 sanango
09 chirping wings
10 talking plants

click on bluezone to go back
studio recording - Vinyl & CD
music bands before 2000
the shamanic trance experience

featuring kailash kokopelli

featuring peruvian shamans
featuring herbert quinteros
featuring peruvian shamans
featuring peruvian shamans
featuring cheko mosqueira
featuring herbert quinteros
featuring herbert quinteros
featuring herbert quinteros


featuring cheko mosqueira
featuring cheko mosqueira
featuring cheko mosqueira

featuring cheko mosqueira
featuring peruvian shamans
featuring peruvian shamans
featuring peruvian shamans

01 follow the frogs   
02 burbujas   
03 rotro ritual   
04 forrest walk  
05 juego de pelota   
06 invitando al sol  
07 anajombai   
08 vibraciones del alma  
09 god of lightning  
10 ayayotes   
